22 Aug 11
I miscalculated last week. Keegan’s fever this weekend is the 11th overall. The 6th since we started the steroid pulse. It seems to have been about the same as last weekend’s so far. There was a few hours earlier today where we got pretty worried about him. He was even more ghostly pale than we had seen in awhile. After an IV tylenol dose, he seemed nauseous, distant, and unnaturally cold on his head and hands despite an underarm temperature in the 98 range. We waited it out for a bit, and he seemed to shake that. At bedtime, he was starting to spike up again. Another long night awaits us here in the Harrison house.
We anticipate a return call from the transplant team in Boston tomorrow sometime to discuss planning. On first thought last week, they believed it best to do another inpatient transfer to get Keegan to Boston. This would mean admitting him to the hospital here, a medical air transport up there, and staying inpatient there at least for the first week. The plan was to try to do it before the next fever spike. That’s a lot of planning in a short time. We will see what happens tomorrow and will update then. Thank you so much for every prayer and well wish for Keegan and our family.