September 2007

Again, nothing major happened today, but it was overall a really good day for Keegan. The doctors weaned the meds and ventilator a little bit more. They increased his formula to 3 ccs or milliliters per hour, and they took his foley (urine...

Good Morning. We had a good night together. After being out almost all day yesterday he came around and woke up at about 11 pm and didn't want to go back to sleep until 2:30. No big deal because he never cried...

As Gray wrote earlier, Keegan has begun making very small but steady progress in the right direction. In fact, Dr. Leonard (the lead surgeon on Keegan's case and an amazing, Christian man) said this evening that he is confident Keegan has "turned" in the...

Things seem to be going well today. Keegan had a pretty good night. They have been watching his blood pressure closely and are still giving him fluids to help that. The good side of that is they have steadily been cutting those...

Today was a busy day but all in all I think it was a good one. Keegan was able to get the venus line in his femoral blood vessel. This is good because it will set thing up to take the two sensing...

I just got to spend most of the morning with Keegan. He seems to be doing alright. His blood pressure is a little low and he is a little swollen from the extra fluid they gave him...

Good Morning All,I just made it back to the hospital. Maddie says he had a quiet night for the most part. They did give him a blood transfusion last night after trying to get the line in his femoral artery (Thank you everyone...