January 2009

Keegan has finally turned a corner early this evening. He had 5 morphine boluses and 4 loratab doses, but after his thrid nap today, he woke up feeling so much better. His incision seems to have stopped bleeding, and we clamped his g-tube...

UPDATE - 5:20pm: Had to give more pain medicine. We asked to avoid morphine again if at all possible, so we tried something a little less potent. Keegan developed a high tolerance for many pain meds in his first month, so we try...

UPDATE 9:45pm - Still no time for Keegan's surgery. While Keegan is our surgeon's only scheduled case tomorrow, he is on call for emergencies. We're hoping it will be early in the morning, but Keegan could be bumped by an emergency. We'll...

Keegan has had a pretty quiet weekend. He passed the capsule camera yesterday, so we don't have to worry about having to surgically remove it next week. Again, we may get results on Monday afternoon but probably not until Tuesday. We should...

Keegan did well during the procedures today. The GI doctors were able to drop the capsule without much bleeding. They did not notice any changes in his esophogas or stomach from the last scope. Keegan has huge leads attached to his stomach...

The care conference went pretty well today. We don't have any more answers, but we have a better plan. Keegan will have a capsule endoscopy tomorrow. If he were an adult, he would swallow a capsule with a tiny camera in it...

Just a short post today. We have some of the immunology labs back, and they're not exactly what we were hoping to see. There are a few other labs GI has run also that came back with questionable results. We have scheduled...

Keegan's hanging in there. We stopped his feeds in the middle of the night on Saturday because he continued to throw up. That stopped when we stopped his feeds. We'll try again today, and we'll only increase just 1 to 2ml every...

Keegan's had kind of a rough time of it since we started his feeds back up. We got him up to 15ml an hour, but when we pushed it to 20ml, he began throwing up. We backed down a bit, but he has...