13 Apr Update
Well, it doesn't look like we'll be coming home for at least another week at least. We spent 3 1/2 hours in pre-op this morning only to be told that Keegan's liver biopsy will need to be pushed to Friday. The pre-op nurses...
Well, it doesn't look like we'll be coming home for at least another week at least. We spent 3 1/2 hours in pre-op this morning only to be told that Keegan's liver biopsy will need to be pushed to Friday. The pre-op nurses...
Keegan has been cleared from a cardiology stand-point for anesthesia on Tuesday. His echo looked fine Thursday, as we expected. Monday, we will go in early in the morning for more labs and pre-op stuff. If his liver numbers spontaneously come back...
Sorry for the delay in posting. I hope y'all know by now that we would have updated had we had any real news. Now we do...
Yesterday morning, I took Keegan in bright and early for weight, labs, and his pentamadine treatment. His weight was the same, but it was on a different scale. We're going to see what he weighs back on the cardiology scale on Tuesday. ...
Keegan had a much better report at clinic yesterday morning. His liver function was improving, his electrolyte levels were stable, his red and white counts looked great (for him), and one specific type of white cell that he has never, I repeat never, had...