Author: admin

Keegan had a rather busy day.  Our suspicion that the fever wasn't going to really follow a "cycle" anymore, but rather become one constant fever, appears to be true.  He had a brief reprieve yesterday afternoon, but he came back up to the high 101s...

It would be lovely to say that Keegan had an awesome fourth birthday.  But I can't.  It did end better than it started, so that is something to be thankful for, I suppose.  Last night, he had another rough night of 103-104 degree temps with...

Last night, I was marginally hopeful that Keegan's latest fever cycle (#13) would break overnight.  I was wrong.  Very wrong.  He had two 104 spikes overnight requiring IV tylenol, and once again, he did not come below 100.5 during the day.  He did spike up...

This was day five of this fever cycle.  Keegan is really keeping us all on our toes.  This one came on more slowly than before but stayed higher for longer than any previous fever cycle.  Another very rough night last night followed by a rough...

I have got to be more careful about what I post.  Never a good idea to tempt fate with putting something in writing.The great "oral tylenol + ibuprofen" experiment was an epic fail last night.  Other than the night after Audrey's birthday party, this was...

I apologize in advance, but this is going to be a short post.  I will try to round it out a little more tomorrow when I have a little more energy.  Just didn't want to leave y'all hanging.Keegan's thirteenth fever started Tuesday, but the high...

Brilliant title, I know. Keegan had a pretty good Labor Day for being in the hospital.  He went outside and played in the playroom.  His port appears to be doing well, so there was no need to reassess his line situation since losing the PICC...

There truly is never a dull moment with Keegan.  Never an opportunity to have just a normal, fun or relaxing weekend. There is a small playground at the hospital.  Friday afternoon when we finally convinced him to get out of bed, we showed him the...

Keegan's fever broke early in the morning today.  He was amiable but refusing to leave bed for most of the day.  All in all though, it ended up being a pretty happy Friday.  We had our first big meeting with GI today.  As always, Dr....

Well, we made it back to Boston.  It was a very long day preceded by a very long night.  Keegan's fever returned Tuesday morning, and it really hit him hard overnight.  He could not get comfortable, even with IV tylenol, and was awake from 1:30am...