

Just a quick update.  Keegan went to the OR this afternoon, and they successfully put in the dialysis catheter and a central line.  He received a platelet transfusion prior to surgery, and he’s getting a blood transfusion now.  We should be starting dialysis in the next hour.  The platelets and blood are short-lived because his body is destroying them (hemolyzing) as quickly as we give them.  If we can correct the kidney failure, the blood issues should also start to resolve. 

I’m not going to dance around anything tonight.  He looks awful.  He is completely swollen, agitated, disoriented, and in pain.  He is absolutely parched for water but can’t keep it down or pee it out.  He has started saying, “help please”, “down please”, and “all done hospital.”  I don’t think my heart could get more broken right now.  After three years and so many struggles, he can now finally verbalize what he is thinking, and it is absolutely killing me. 

After surgery…hard to believe, but he is even more swollen now.

To be honest, we are scared.  The literature on this condition does not exactly help.  This could go many directions, but this is the first time since post-transplant that I have sat helpless by his bedside and begged God to save my son.  We were not and are not ready for this.  I can simply ask for your prayers.  Pray for his comfort, pray that the dialysis begins to work, pray for his healing, pray for his strength.  We’ve never appreciated you more.  Thank you.