25 Jun Lab Update
Keegan went in for more blood work yesterday morning since his prograf and white blood cell count were low last week. We assumed we’d go through this game for a few more weeks, changing meds and more labs each week. But NO! His prograf levels were acceptable, and his white blood cell count was on the cusp of being normal. Because we stopped one of the meds that was likely making his WBC low, the assumption is that it will be normal in a matter of days if he stays off of the medication until his July clinic visit. That means NO MORE BLOOD DRAWS UNTIL JULY 16!!! YEAH!!!
Keegan continues to amaze us every day. He is so eager to crawl and walk. He tries to crawl at least 20 times a day, and I know that he’ll get it down very quickly. He can take about 6 to 8 steps if you hold his hands, and he really seems to get a kick out of it. Guess I better finish baby-proofing the house today! Keegan also picked out a baby pool for the backyard at the store yesterday, so we’ll be blowin’ that up today to cool off this afternoon.
SAVE THE DATE — We’ve reserved October 5 for his next COTA fundraiser, a fishing tournament for kids. Keep checking back because we will need a lot of support to make it a success! Thanks so much for caring for our Bug. We hope you are all staying cool and having a great summer so far.