Share your story

Share your story

By now, you know Keegan’s.  If not, you can click the “about” tab above. 

So today, I want to offer all of you the opportunity to share your story.  Are you a heart patient/mom/dad/sibling/grandparent/anut/uncle/etc?  Are you the parent of a sweet CHD angel?  Even a friend who has watched and supported another through the difficult battle? 

Please share your story with us in the comment section below.  I can tell that many web friends out there are reading this blog anonymously, and this is your chance to speak out.  Maybe your story will touch or change the life of another. 

I know Keegan’s has.  And I know my life has been changed for the better just by knowing I’m not alone. 

So, thank you in advance for speaking up.  If no one does, it’s okay.  I know you’re out there, and I’m praying for you anyway!