

I wanted to start by saying sorry for the updates being a little delayed. Maddie and I have gone to a scheduled watch in Keegan’s room. We can’t get to the internet from there and we are spending less and less time in the waiting room. Just because there aren’t as many posts on the site doesn’t mean that there is necessarily something wrong. Thank you everyone for your support and concern. I promise I will keep this going long after Keegan makes it out of the hospital.

Now onto the update…

Keegan and I had a good evening last night. We got him all cleaned up and then we settled in to watch the Cowboy game. He was having a little problem with his stomach last night. They think that a combination of air in his GI track and the pain medicine he has been on has made him a little nauseated. He was starting to spit up a lot so they decided to put another NG tube through the other nostril. The first tube actually went past his stomach and is being used to give him medicine. The new tube is being hooked up to a vacuum line and is used to suck out his stomach. Ever since they put that in he has been doing great. He went right to sleep and hasn’t spit up since.

We got our morning labs in this morning and his over all reading looked good. His kidneys are starting to show more improvement too. In even better news they have just given us word that they will be closing his sternum up. This is a major mile stone. Once I know more about that I will post more.

Thanks again for all your support.Gray