15 Nov Update – Please Read!
Sorry it’s been so long since we updated. Now that we’ve gone to only once a week clinic visits, there isn’t quite as much to report. Keegan did weigh in at 8 1/2 pounds yesterday!! That’s a full pound in 2 weeks – he’s getting to be a little chunky monkey. He is still taking about 80 to 90 mls (around 3 oz) in each bottle. The doctor said that we can consider getting rid of the middle of the night feed once he gets to around 4 oz consistently or is a little closer to the normal weight range for his age. So, for now, we have to wake him up to feed him at night. We are praying that he gets to that 4 oz mark pretty soon because he sure seems to want to sleep at night! I can’t say I blame him – I want to sleep too!
All his tests looked just fine yesterday. The clot is still there, but it hasn’t changed or migrated. Keegan will probably stay on the blood thinner for another month, and then, we’ll reevaluate if it still appears the same. We found out that Wednesday is transplant clinic day, so we were able to meet several other transplant families. There were some kids who were relatively recent transplants and one was already 11 years post-transplant. Some have had problems, but most of the kids were very encouraging. It will be nice to get to know them and see what we have in store.
This will probably be one of the last posts we do on this website. We are painstakingly moving each blog entry, comment, and hopefully guestbook note to the COTA website. As y’all know, we are technically not supposed to be updating this one anymore, but COTA is being very understanding as we go through this process. Each one of your encouraging words and prayers is important, and we don’t want to lose a single one! The COTA website will have the capability of sending emails to y’all when there is a new blog entry, picture, volunteer opportunity, or fundraising activity posted. We have to manually create the contact list however. SO, if you want to be on the update notification list for the COTA website, PLEASE EMAIL KEEGAN at keeganharrison@yahoo.com. Just send an email to him from the email address where you would like to receive updates. If you would like to write a message to Keegan, we will be making a scrapbook for him of all of them (at some point!).
Thanks so much for keeping up with Keegan and praying for him. He may not be able to say it yet himself, but he surely knows how much he is loved and cared for by each of you.