Very Quick Update

Very Quick Update

Quick because we are PACKING!!! That’s right, Keegan got the thumbs-up (although I wish it were a bit more enthusiastically) to go home tomorrow. There were tidbits of questionable things here and there, but if we waited until all those were resolved, Keegan would be driving himself back to Texas (cred to Angie for that witty one). Although we are not looking forward to the lengthy drive, we are feeling more and more confident in our decision to drive considering the increasing spread of the swine flu. I will post an update during our drive tomorrow when I have time to write out some of the details.

Until then, please, please, please keep little Miss Avery in your prayers. Her central line is becoming problematic, and the last thing she or her family needs is a trip to the OR for a new line at this time. Please keep her loving Daddy in your prayers, as he faces medical problems of his own, and also her beautiful Mommy, as she bravely faces the very serious issues in their lives right now. Thank you, thank you.